The low HI Diet – How to get clean and lean
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley November 22, 2014
Author Kris Abbey
ISBN: 9781742575476
Publisher: New Holland Publishers
Release Date:
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Dieting has been a hot topic on the TV and airwaves lately, possibly due to the rising rate of obesity in Australia and other areas of the world. Fad diets, whatever the name, have been slated as failing to do what is required and in some instances doing more harm than good to the person trying to lose weight and regain their health.
The Low HI diet, although titled diet is far more than that: it is a way of life that encourages you to understand the foods you put into your body, the need for them and the reason why they need to be eaten in a healthy and wholistic manner.
Basically, the body needs certain foods to be able to operate to optimum performance. Once the body gets out of kilter for one reason or another your health begins to suffer and in today’s world of easy foods, quick take-aways and a massive consumption of soft drinks and the like, the body is definitely felling the stress.
As you read through Kris Abbeys well researched and constructed look at foods and what they are all about, you will have better understanding of the properties of all the important food groups, what they can do for you and why more of some and less of others relates to a healthy, happy and vital body.
She advocates getting ‘clean’ first and foremost, followed or concurrently getting lean, which in theory should follow with a little effort on your part.
Her involvement in the health industry commenced when as sickly young teen her mother tried a raft of medical and alternate therapies to try and heal her daughter. Growing up on a farm the food on the table was fresh, literally from paddock to plate, but this seemed to make the situation worse. At the age of 13 she had to learn, and learn fast, the principals of food as a medicine as back then IBS and a hiatus hernia were still largely health conditions little was known about, particularly in the areas of treatment.
She believes, through first hand experience, that certain foods are good and others bad and the body will tell you so; all you need to do is learn to listen to what it has to say via the means of bloating, cramps, gas, diarrhoea, headaches, runny nose and pain.
As you read this book you will find yourself agreeing with much of the subject matter, relating what you are learning to your body and discovering that making changes to your lifestyle are not all that traumatic.
There are a few great recipes, a mass of helpful hints, such as how to read the food labels and a very informative list of what foods are in season. These will help to encourage you towards making a change in your lifestyle which will be positive, putting that sparkle back into your life that has possibly been silent for a while, let alone getting back into those clothes that have been hiding in the back of cupboard.
Enjoy the journey towards good health and a happy lifestyle.