The Mathematics of Love

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       February 28, 2015


Author  Hannah Fry

ISBN:                 9781476784885
Publisher:         Simon & Schuster UK
Release Date:    




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This little book is jammed packed full of information on the subject of love; but not about love as you would expect, that heart fluttering, gooey kind of love, but the mathematics of love and how we, as the people who fall in and out of love do so via mathematics.

Once you get reading the entire subject matter becomes clear, well it does eventually when you realise that we humans are really programmed in a far more specify manner than we realise and that is programming is set deep in our subconscious; it is something we use often without realising and although some may say it is instinct, in reality it is a form of extremely fine mathematical programming.

Now, do l not let this put you off on your quest to find the love of your life, your lifelong partner or the woman of your dreams, because if you get it right and you understand how this works, you will discover there is another way of finding this lifelong desire, that of mathematics.

Hannah Fry has taken each of the areas directly connected with love and researched the stats on just  what it is that allows you to be able to choose the right person for you.

The figures and the accompanying facts make fascinating reading and look at the many complex questions that surround the ‘cupid’s arrow’ of love in the 21 century.

What the choices are you have to make when heading out on your first date, how to get a first date and how to avoid a divorce, once you have found the love of your life are just three of the areas covered, although in each of the areas there are tips and helpful facts to aid you in getting it right.

She takes a very good look at on-line dating and the success or otherwise of this modern method of meeting people, which in itself makes fascinating reading, as do the graphs created from the various data analysis carried out.

For instance what is the common reaction to a beautiful face and a plain or ugly face and what makes up these characteristics – basically mathematics, believe it or not and so very much more.

Packing a punch and crammed full of interesting facts which, when analysed and studied, could or maybe will help you discover the way to go about meeting and remaining with the love of your life.