The Power of NO

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Beth Wareham

ISBN:                 978-1-8485-0181-2
Publisher:         Hay House
Release Date:    





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NO! What a truly great, powerful, wonderful word. Possibly the best one in the English Language or any other language in fact! At least I now think so after reading, laughing, chuckling and nodding my way through this truly liberating book.

Packed to the last page with the most amazing, satisfying and enlightening ways of saying NO, this is one read you will enjoy from cover to cover.  Oh how liberating to be able to say NO to all and sundry without causing offence; but have you really said No, or simply just changed the way whatever was being asked of you could be done!


From the workplace to the home, from school to the countryside you are encouraged to say NO and mean it.  All these wonderful ways of saying NO are presented to you in a light hearted, entertaining manner, which makes the information contained within the covers so much easier to relate too and take on board as the very best way to free yourself from the constant pressure of always thinking you have to say yes! Guess what, you don’t!

Liberating, refreshing, a great read and hugely entertaining, this is a must if you truly want to take your life back, train your boss, your family and friends, thereby encouraging everyone into having a happy, enjoyable, relaxed, stress free  life by saying NO in the very nicest way.