The Power of the Heart

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       January 12, 2015


Author  Baptist de Pape

ISBN:                 9781476771601
Publisher:         Atria Books
Release Date:    




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Finding your true purpose in life is something we all seek out. In this wonderful collection of inspiration from eighteen of the world’s most renown spiritual leaders, de Pape has co-created a journey of healing and understanding of the wisdom which is inside all of us, should we choose to listen and learn.

Each chapter is based about a specific topic, with the introduction followed by wise offerings from such as Chopra, Tolle, Coehlo and so many more on the keys to unlock your heart and encourage you along your pathway to happiness, health, and success and wealth.

At the end of each chapter there is a contemplation, which while it will not take long, if followed will make your pathway so much easier, as well as allowing you cut the bonds which are stifling your re-birth to a happier, more joyful life.

So why is the heart so important to being happy, to being able to unlock you potential to fulfil your dreams or if you prefer your life’s work.

According to Eckhart Tolle, living within the power of the heart allows you to become connected to your true nature. Taking this one step further he suggests that by living in unity with the power of the heart you can and will create a new unity, a new reality which in turn will allow you to be free. That to be free you and only you, can allow and make the change through the power of the heart.

The lessons contained within this handbook to a happier, richer life will not be forgotten as making this change is a personal choice, one that may perhaps be long overdue and will make a difference in your life and will reflect onto those around you who love you.

As de Pape says over and over again, ‘by heeding the intelligence of your heart, you are aligning with your soul, creating authentic power’!

That simply has to be something worth pursuing!