The World Atlas of Street Art and Graffiti

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       September 27, 2013


Author  Rafael Schacter

ISBN:                 9781742233772
Publisher:         New South Books
Release Date:    


The mastermind behind this collection of the vivid and creative images in this definitive work has done a remarkable job in the selection of the diverse and spectacular works that grace the pages. The pieces are simply stunning.

Beautifully presented, each piece of work comes with a detailed biography of the artist, the place; the intent and the space, adding all the information required should you use it as a text book. If you are a browser it will add the extra information to flesh out the scene, the style and complete the experience.

Street Art, Graffiti, vandalism or social commentary, call it what you may, but at the end of the day it is all about art, art and just plain and simple art – perhaps not so simple art some of the times..

It is about people expressing an opinion in a format that attracts attention, can often hit the point with deadly accuracy, such as political commentary, relates to the environment from which it is born and brightens up what would be an otherwise very dull and ordinary world.

As the skills of Street Art have evolved and  become perfected the many pieces which adorn most the cities of the world make a statement about one simple point, sorry that should be two simple points:  – what is considered as art and why should it have to be housed indoors – Art is simply that Art!

The mastermind behind this collection of the vivid and creative images in this definitive work has done a remarkable job in the selection of the diverse and spectacular works that grace the pages. The pieces are simply stunning and when you consider the sheer size of some of the urban artworks the scale is perfection.

We have all at some time or other taken note of Street Art whether it is in your area or while travelling some place or other. Each and every time you notice such pieces you are enjoying a social snapshot of the time, the place, the artist.

There are 700 illustrations in the book covering everywhere from North America to what is quaintly classed as Rest of the World and this makes the Atlas somewhat more interesting that it is already. Why you may ask: because as you look into the works from the different regions you see a hidden aspect emerging of the cultural emotion significant to that particular region or country.

Paris comes over as structural, organised and yet strangely playful.

Copenhagen and Stockholm presents as geometric and colourful – almost Lego-like in the presentation- vivid and monochrome – it all tells an interesting story of space and constructive enterprise.

Australia is more about space and environment – the political or apolitical statements which make up this country.

It really doesn’t matter what appeals to you as each to his own. With Street Art of all differing aspects each will have their own interpretation.

Beautifully presented, each piece of work comes with a detailed biography of the artist, the place; the intent and the space, adding all the information required should you use it as a text book. If you are a browser it will add the extra information to flesh out the scene, the style and complete the experience.

There is far too much to take in at one sitting as Street Art, in whatever form, is always very vibrant, energetic and hard hitting therefor, enjoy this one page by page, or country by country.

 A definitive work in the Art World, a definitive work in culture and understanding – Yes, Indeed!