Weight Off Your Mind
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley April 11, 2018
Author Dr Katie Richard

Distributor: InHouse Publishing
ISBN: 9781925497151
Publisher: InHouse Publishing
Release Date: 2018
Website: http://www.inhousebookstore.com.au
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Much has been touted in the Press, on television, on medical programs and cooking shows about obesity, diet, what foods to eat, exercise to do or not to do, the latest hype diet fad and the effects of all the various ways and means of losing weight.
Not a lot is discussed about how to keep it off once the goal of losing the weight is reached. Regardless of whether you have ever struggled with serious food related issues or not, the undeniable fact is that obesity in all its forms is far from good for general health and wellbeing, as well as the social issues, along with host of other issues that go with what could be termed as a medical condition; one which is seriously difficult to overcome and one that is in reality, only beginning to be understood for its levels of complexity.
In Weight Off Your Mind, Richard tackles the issue of weight loss on a permanent basis from a vastly different perspective, that of utilising the age old craft of Hypnosis to help unlock the blocks in order to prevent a reoccurrence of binge eating, food addiction and emotional eating.
Based on personal experience, she realised early in her a career as a Clinical Psychologist working with people who had addictions, that there was far more to weight loss than simply losing weight and keeping it off. There had to be triggers, as there were with other forms of addiction.
As a young woman she studied Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and as a practitioner was achieving excellent results in treating a wide range of conditions using only hypnotherapy. She realised some years later that dealing with issues of weight loss was more than just a medical or dietary issue, it was a lifestyle issue and had to be dealt with by combining medicine, diet and psychology to work as a team to achieve positive, long lasting results.
Richard address all the many issues that need to be taken out into the light such as self-esteem, stress management, commitment, psychology, addiction, exercise, self-image, binge eating and how this system of hypnosis, based on Emotional Self-Management (ESM), or Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) can have a beneficial and positive effect for permanent weight loss.
Designed as both a tutorial and workbook, the way forward is made considerably easier, with each of the chapters clarifying the issues, so that a far better understanding of this condition is presented.
The strong message evident throughout this book is, leave off the fad diets, the stress of do it yourself eating control and take a serious look at an excellent lifestyle change, one which has thousands of clinical studies world-wide undertaken, is backed with solid scientific evidence, which verify the many case studies of people who have had continuing success using this program, or system.
Set out as Step-by- Step guide to weight loss, there is absolutely nothing to lose other than unwanted kilos. By working your way through the pages, seeking the correct professional help and achieving a more positive outcome it can only be a win, win, finale!