Wisdom For Your Life

Reviewed By  Ian Banks       September 10, 2013


Author  Katrina Cavanough

ISBN:                 978-1-74331-443-2
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    




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Death is something that comes to all of us during the course of a lifetime and eventually to ones self as that is the natural order of things. This wonderfully gentle look at death in all its many forms, from the  unexpected to the expected, the death of a child in utero and the passing of a newborn, we are guided to look at the love, understanding and acceptance that goes hand in hand with trauma.

Katrina spent many years as a social worker in the Emergency Department of a busy public hospital dealing with death in all its many aspects. As she began her work in this area she realised she had an additional talent, that of being able to communicate with the souls of those who have just died. She found this challenging, inspiring and comforting in the many years she worked and gave support to families during this difficult time.

She found many of her very profound questions and issues with life and death were answered, giving her the added understanding that death is not an end piece it is simply a move in another direction and while difficult to cope with, is as it should be.

Katrina takes us thought the many levels of trauma experienced when a love one passes, introducing us to the souls of those who have passed, showing us that they can and do bring comfort and love to their families, even when they have moved on or over, however you choose to view the final passing.

Case studies have been carefully selected to give an understanding of life and death, the reasons why people leave when they are required to do so and what comes afterwards, which not only makes for fascinating reading but gives another dimension to one’s “Final Harrah” on this earth.

Wisdom learned and questions on some of life’s many profound ponderings are asked of the Guardians and answered accordingly which, if you are recently bereaved or have suffered bereavement, make for a better  understanding of not only what you are going through but also reassures that the soul/s of the departed are with you always.