Your Brain Is a Lump of Goo

Your Brain is a Lump of Goo is a fantastic way to introduce children to the idea of the brain, what it is and where it is. As a picture book format, the authors have chosen the best way to present information to young people.  To begin with the brain addresses...

Rewording the Brain

Words are as is often stated are wonderful things and have a multitude of uses; from the sublime to the ridiculous, beneficial to the derogatory and come together in endless permutations, which all help keep the wonderfully gymnastic brain supple, limber and in good...

Outsmart Sugar How to Retrain your Brain to Kick the Sugar Habit

Sugar, we love it we hate it. We are confronted with facts on a daily basis saying sugar is BAD, BAD BAD, for us. It is in everything we consume. Manufacturers are sneaky as they hide it in nearly everything, sometimes masquerading as long and scientific names on...

Better Brain Food Eat to cheat dementia and cognitive decline

As more information becomes available about preventing dementia and slowing the ageing process, it is necessary for research to be current and pertinent to our lifestyle. These criteria have certainly been met in this book. Not only is it informative, and up to date...