The Windfall


Diksha Basu

  Set in India, this is the story of two people and their extended family, who in midlife have a dramatic change to their world. The language used by the...
Drifting in the Push


Daniel Garrison

As a memoir of life lived so far, Drifting in the Push is a real beauty. Well written with an underlying sense of humour, Dan Garrison’s life is one that...
Brain Briefs: Answers to the Most (and Least) Pressing Questions about Your Mind


Art Markman, Bob Duke

There are always a thousand and one things there to be wondered, pondered or marvelled about or over, as we travel along the pathways of our lives. Sometimes the answers...
Disappearing off the Face of the Earth


David Cohen

Before we begin it is best you know this really is a totally warped novel, in the nicest possible manner, which will keep you turning the pages simply to find out...
Love, Lies and Linguine


Hilary Spiers

We meet up with sisters Hester and Harriet as they are about to set off to Italy for their summer holidays. At the airport, Hester is regretting the greasy meal...
Stand by Your Manhood: A Game-Changer for Modern Men


Peter Lloyd

Society is steadily moving towards an equality of the sexes in many ways. What we really need to see is both men and women who are comfortable in the role...
The Art of Frugal Hedonism: A Guide to Spending Less While Enjoying Everything More 


Annie Raser-Rowland, with Adam Grubb

Want to change the way you live, want to have money, want to enjoy the best life can offer, want to enjoy better health and have more fun, just simply...
The Anti-Boredom Christmas Book


Andy Seed

Bluewolf apologies for the late posting of this review; so for those of you all Christmas- ed out, put it away for next Christmas and for those who love Christmas all the...
Footloose Bonus CD! “Footloose” performed by Kenny Loggins


Kenny Loggins, illustrated by Tim Bowers

How many remember that tune Footloose, which once heard stayed with you all day, running around and around the sound track of your mind. Most would have to concur that...
Fucking Apostrophes


Simon Griffin

Well, what can one say about Fucking Apostrophes other than finally, someone out there has decided to write a little book which deals with this terrible issue of Apostrophes. After...