The words are more than 600 years old, the music is months old and comes together under the skilful, creative energy of Megan Chaskey as she weaves both her instrumental...
Endlessly timeless, drifting slowly and gently through space.  Weightless in extreme; Delicate feelings of utter peace within as you drift through the void that is time, place and rebirth. Absolute:...
Starting out with an tremendously upbeat track in Brazil, you immediately think of flamboyance and party time but equally as quickly move into a time and place one can only...
With this latest creation from Hurtado he has managed to combine a range of rhythms, styles and melodies to deliver an album which is very different to his usual style,...
When times were tough, Adam Andrews turned to his music. When times were good he did the same: as each of life’s joys and challenges were presented to him he...
In this debut album by husband and wife team Nadaka and Gopika they have combined a formidable talent to create an album, while dedicated to the Sun, achieves exactly what...
It doesn’t matter what interpretation you choose to place on this music, chill-out, balearic groove, or ‘into-everything’ as the promo material would have it, Mark Barrott has created something special;...
The deep rich sound created by Kerani is interlaced with a sense of great delicacy, highlighting the movement and continuity that is the Arctic in all its moods. From the...
Emerging out of the piano notes comes a gently enticing, sensually haunting note of a trumpet played softly to coerce the listener into coming in that little bit closer, to...
Laura McMillan has once again used her medium of piano to recreate the feeling of love in all its many forms; From the first love, the beginning of ‘storybook’ love...
Want to go on a journey but can’t leave home: don’t stress it with this latest album from Jack Gates you can do just that via your armchair, kitchen table...
Drifting effortlessly out of the ether, Nocturnes takes you to a place of ease and relaxation. Shades of the softness of the night grace the notes, offering a  time for...