Ace and Chica’s Wild Money Tails: Borrowing 

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       September 22, 2023


Author  Anthony Chimmeri

Distributor:      Kode Finance
ISBN:                 9780645812305
Publisher:         Kode Finance - self published
Release Date:   June 2023  




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Anthony Chimirri states,” My goal for this book is to assist the future generation’s basic financial literacy.” He has most certainly achieved this goal. The book is very cleverly set out as a Picture Book. He has used two ‘staffie’ dogs as the main characters.

One of them has a great idea. He wants to start selling dog treats to his family, but he has no money to buy them. He asks his sister if she could help but she wants something to keep until the money is paid. Successful sales mean borrowing again to keep his business going.

The concept of borrowing money can be a complex one. There are time frames to consider; and sureties, market research, and availability are some of the other factors.  Finding someone trustworthy, to borrow from, (his sister) is very important also.

Ace and Chica’s Wild Money Tales: Borrowing is presented as a Picture Book and in this format is an excellent vessel for conveying an understanding of financial literature. The discussion and questions elicited from this story make it suitable for all ages. As a teaching tool it would be a great asset when introducing business skills to younger and older children.

Anthony has also written several other ‘Ace and Chica” books on Investing and Tax. Hopefully he will continue this series as it is an important Educational Tool to be used by teachers and parents.