Pirate Pug The Dog Who Rocked the Boat

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       February 24, 2019


Author  Laura James. Illustrations Eglantine Ceulmans.

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Childrens Books
ISBN:                 9781408895948
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Childrens Books
Release Date:   January 2019  




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Oh Dear, it looks like Pug could be in some serious trouble if Lady Miranda goes ahead planning a holiday by the seaside. Not that Pug minds holidays, quite the opposite in fact, he just does not like the seaside. There is water there, something he is not at all fond of, but Lady Miranda, being Lady Miranda, is sure Pug will absolutely love it!And so off they go have a happy time at the seaside staying at the Smugglers Rest Hotel in their very best suite. Pug is trying to wake Lady Miranda up to go and find some breakfast when Wendy, Lady Mirandas housekeeper, arrives with a lovely tray for freshly baked jam tarts, Pugs favourite breakfast treat, as well as lady Miranda’s.
But just as they are about to have their breakfast there is a very loud SQUAWK and a very large parrot landed in the room, eyed off the jam tarts and then flies out of the window with a silver tea spoon in its beak!
It turns out the parrot’s name is Rio and he is owned by the owner of the hotel, Mr Gregory. He also likes bright shiny things and is pretty good a pinching them and flying away, which is bad but not so bad as the day he pinches the Mayors Chain of Office and takes it to Finders Keepers Island, an island that was once the home of a ferocious band of Pirates.
This island has a legend and superstition attached to it which also involves the Mayor chain and if things go very wrong, the Pirates may well come back to Pebbly Bay and make terrible, terrible, pirate trouble for everyone.
Lady Miranda takes on the task of finding the Mayors Chain, which sees poor Pug have to take to the ‘high’ seas in a raft and possibly even have to walk the plank!
Join Pug in his latest adventure, Pirate Pug: The Dog Who Rocked the Boat and see just how Pug overcomes his fear and saves the day.
Once again, a ripping great adventure from Laura James, with fantastic illustrations from Eglantine Ceulemans as they, along with Pug and Lady Miranda, take to the high seas in search of adventure.