You Make Me Happy

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       February 18, 2019


Author  Smriti Prasadam-Halls. Illustrations Alison Brown.

Distributor:      Bloomsbury Childrens Books
ISBN:                 9781408878958
Publisher:         Bloomsbury Childrens Books
Release Date:   Febrary 2019  




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You Make Me Happy is a seriously lovely, feel good story full of Ahhh moments, as two of the most unlikely friends, in a lovely blue Porcupine and rusty red Fox are firm friends, friends who really do ‘get’ the joy of being happy.

Smriti Prasadam-Halls and Alison Brown have combined their formidable talents to create a wonderful picture book about feeling good, kindness and happiness which is definitely going to be a firm favourite with little people and the early reader.

The text is large, easy to understand and descriptive, as are the colourful pictures, with the many aspects of being friends and exploring some of the many things found in everyday life that make you happy, cheerfully presented: Gentle things like bunnies in spring, the nice things said that fill the day with sunshine and the wonder of seeing things freshly through other people’s eyes.

Rich in sentiment, strong in understanding and full of the happiness vibe, this unlikely pair present some of the many aspects and simple joys that make a difference in a person’s life. Sadness can be lifted with a smile, a hug brings with it love and tingly toes, and the fun that can be discovered by doing silly things.

Regardless of what comes into their lives, Porcupine and Fox really do discover that with good friends by your side, being happy is easy and anything is possible.

A delicious, charming feel-good book full of real joy, happiness and understanding to simply be enjoyed.