Ten Scared Fish

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Ros Moriarty

ISBN:                 978-1-74237-912-8
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    




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Bright and attractive this learning to count for little people can’t help but teach and entertain along the way. Created by Ros Moriarty of the Indi Kindi pre-literacy education program she uses Australian culture, indigenous art and a good portion of humour to present basic counting skills.

With the help of the artists at the Balarinji Design Studio ten scared fish set out to travel to the sea coming across many of the inhabitants of the river on the way. What happens when they meet the big scary shark? Well that’s up to the imagination.

In a finishing touch the words are translated into Yanuwa language, spoken in Borroloola , in the Northern Territory of Australia and adds the finishing touch to a delightful book.