Herbie and the Tune

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Bradley Kyle

ISBN:                 978-1-921883026
Publisher:         Pick-a-Woo Woo Publishers
Release Date:    





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Herbie’s heading for earth but at the very last minute he decides he does not really want to go as it might mean leaving behind his very special tune. But after he talks to the pilot of his very special plane he realises that the tune is part of him and will go with him wherever he chooses to go.

This is a delightful book aimed at children but containing some very wise advice for all ages young and old – that joy is always there for the taking all you have to do is listen.

He comes to understand the tune is joy: that joy is a part of every being and no matter what he will always have it with him.