The Yoga Ogre.

Reviewed By  Kelcey Ellis       November 26, 2014


Author  Peter Bently

ISBN:                 9781847389022
Publisher:         Simon & Schuster UK
Release Date:    




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Ogden the Ogre was worried one night.
“My jim-jams have grown far too short and too tight!
How has my tum got so terribly wide?
I only eat twelve meals a day,” Ogden sighed.
The people said, “Jim-jams too tight and too short?
Overweight ogres should take up a sport!”

So begins The Yoga Ogre detailing all Ogdens attempts at finding a suitable sport for him to enjoy. However all is not plain sailing and the town is very nearly destroyed with Ogden’s genuine attempts to find the perfect sport.

  This picture book is fantastic; the texts rhythm and cadence make it very easy and enjoyable to read. The illustrations are big, bold and fun just like Ogden; whilst at the same time sending a gentle message that eating too much is not healthy and keeping active is a wise choice. So read on to find out how Ogden the Ogre fares.