Alex and the Watermelon Boat.

Reviewed By  Kelcey Ellis       November 26, 2014


Author  Chris McKimmie

ISBN:                 9781743310076
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    




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Big, bold, busy and enjoyable would be the first reactions when we read this book with our kids. The illustrations have so much detail that there is much more than the original story for kids to view and discuss especially when requests for a third and fourth read through come through. Our eldest loved being on the lookout for rabbit.

The book is also a wonderful way to capture, whilst fiction, some of the experiences of the January 2011 floods in Brisbane. The illustrations are what sets this book apart as a vast array of materials have been used, then all the elements are put together to enable a collage like effect on each and every page. Chris McKimmie is a writer, illustrator, artist whose stories resonate with his young readers.