Write Your Own Funny Stories
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley October 22, 2021
Author James Campbell. Illustrations Rob Jones.

Distributor: Bloomsbury Children's Books
ISBN: 9781408883655
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's Books
Release Date: March 2021
Website: https://www.bloomsbury.com
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A laugh-out-loud book for budding writers
First off, all budding young writers need to grab a copy of Write Your Own Funny Stories, read it from cover to cover, then go back to the beginning and begin your very own personal writers course with James Campbell.
Known for his ability to write really fantastic stories for a wide range of young readers, James Campbell has decided to share his vast knowledge, gained over many years, on how to write a story that is really, really funny and really, really good.
His mate Rob Jones, who also knows a thing or two about illustrating really funny stories, adds his bit to the ’workshop’ to show how a strategically placed picture can make all the difference.
As he says from page 1, this is not an ordinary book and if it is an ordinary book you are looking for, this is definitely not it. Why? Because this book lets you into a secret about authors and people who write stuff and the reason why they are perhaps the very same person.
If you are someone who fills notebooks with ‘stuff’, sometime funny, sometimes just some thoughts or words, or who likes writing those essays your teacher ‘forces’ you to write, perhaps you could consider yourself an author, because really, according to James Campbell there is little or no difference, as it is words on paper that make a story, regardless of how long to short the story lasts.
Pages turn quickly, worksheets have been included to help you sort out your thoughts, look at that thing called inspiration, going to the next step, planning your characters, plotting the story line and then the crunch question, to use the computer or to write it out by hand. Hmm, serious decision time and James Campbell explains the pros and cons of making the right decision at this time.
By the last page, on which there is a surprise, you will not only have written your own story, but will have also read though the book a second or may be third time and will know for sure something many people, children and adults never, ever get to really know, or understand, how to Write Your Own Funny Stories.
Super well done, You!!!! And of course, you have added your own funny cartoons to help illustrate the story just as Rob Jones has done in this very funny book!