Deep Storm

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       March 6, 2014


Author  Lincoln Child

ISBN:                 9789-1-4721-0822-7
Publisher:         Constable & Robinson
Release Date:    




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In Deep Storm we enter a world that is not all what it seems and Peter Crane, a former naval Doctor, discovers this soon after accepting his new assignment: that of specialist Doctor on an oil platform in the North Atlantic.

The entire project is shrouded in secrecy, so much so that even before he arrives at his destination he is beginning to wonder what he has agreed to when he accepted his contract.

As he descends into the depths of what rapidly becomes apparent is no ordinary drilling platform he meets Howard Asher, Chief Scientist of National Oceanographic Division who briefs him on his role while on the platform and why he was selected for the task.

Crane can’t quite believe what he is hearing and when he meets his medical team for the first time and discovers just what appears to be the issue he is horrified and then stunned. More than 103 people are suffering from a range of medical conditions that don’t fit the spectrum of normal disorders.

As time goes on he begins to discover that all really is not what it portrayed and the platform is simply a ruse for the real purpose of the project, that of finally discovering the lost city of Atlantis.

The plot twists and turns with incredible skilfulness and enters realms of the almost totally unbelievable as Peter Crane uncovers the terrifying truth about project ‘Deep Storm’ and the underlying madness that drives the mission.