Murder in Mayfair

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       June 27, 2024


Author  Verity Bright

Distributor:      Amazon
ISBN:                 9781835255667 - Ebook
Publisher:         Bookouture
Release Date:   June 2024  




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A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery Book 18

In her eighteenth Murder Mystery, Murder in Mayfair, Lady Eleanor (Ellie) Swift finds herself in somewhat of a dilemma as she has witnessed a murder, become a Governess and involved the love her life, the incredibly handsome Hugh Seldon, her fiancé, in a compromising situation, and it is only day two of a visit to London to witness the wondrous Exhibition being held at Wembley.

After a runaway hot air balloon flight where she witnessed a murder, she is once again back on the ground, after abseiling down to see if the man that was shot could be helped. She is accosted by Lady Philomena Chadwick, a slight acquaintance who invites her to tea at the Ritz Hotel the next afternoon.

She is implored to take on the task of finding Lady Chadwick’s pearl necklace, stolen according to Lady Philomena, by her staff. Much to her long suffering butler, Clifford’s amusement she goes undercover as a Governess to the Chadwick children. It is only hours into her new role she realises she is being lied to and something is certainly far from right in the household.

As she begins to try and find out what is going on within the household staff, she is also convinced that the man that she saw murdered, is something to do with the stolen necklace. Clifford and Hugh become deeply involved with trying to find out what happened to the murdered man, if there was one, which eventually gets Hugh suspended.

A long standing debt owed to Ellie’s beloved deceased Uncle is called in to help them find a pathway through the red tape and obstructive practices being erected by Whitehall, with astonishing results. 

Who stole the necklace, who murdered the man who was obsessed with Lady Chadwick, and how the half completed Bermuda Pavilion at the Exhibition fits into the complexity of the situation, makes riveting reading, as Ellie sets out with the able assistance, of Clifford to get to the very bottom of why murder was committed in Mayfair.

Once again Verity Bright has spun a very fine yearn indeed, wrapped around the very human foibles of greed, bullying and love in Murder in Mayfair; another incredibly enjoyable cozy murder.