Owen O’Shea: Stay-At-Home Dad, Wannabe Detective
Reviewed By Ian Banks February 6, 2024
Author C. McGee

Distributor: Collectiveink Books
ISBN: 978-1803414522
Publisher: Roundfire Books
Release Date: Febraury 2024
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C. McGee takes the nosy neighbour syndrome to intriguing heights with the new detective on the block, or rather in the cul-de-sac, Owen ‘Shea, a parent of a new child who has opted to take up parenting duties while his brilliant wife, a surgeon, continues with her career.
It is in the wee small hours, during the early morning feed, when Owen notices that all may not be well in their small community. Strange goings on, people coming and going at unusual hours and well, in his considered option as a tired young Dad, activities that really should be investigated further; because something was not right. Not right at all.
On-going issues with neighbours, the Stoneciphers come seriously into consideration once his suspicions, formed at 3am in the morning, are proven correct when a couple, whom he thought were possibly on holidays, are found murdered in their home.
As he found them, mainly because he was very curious as to why he had not seen them for days, the Police, arriving at the scene of the grisly murders, arrest him, as he is the one covered in blood.
This sets off a determination in Owen to discover what is going on in his little patch of suburbia. Along with several other neighbours, who form his ‘Mother’s club’, they slowly, piece by intriguing piece, whittle down the suspects, but in doing so he places himself in great danger.
Witty, dry and full of relatable moments that anyone who has walked the floor with a small babe, in the dark hours of the early morning can relate to, Owen O’Shea: Stay at home Dad. Wanna be detective fits the bill nicely as an almost black comedy about things that do sometime mysteriously happen during the night, even in boring, normal suburbia.
And then again, there is still or always, the Stonecipher’s…………….