Postcards from the Cove (Sand Dollar Cove Book 1)

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       February 15, 2024


Author  Jennifer Bardsley

Distributor:      Amazon
ISBN:                 9781837905324
Publisher:         Bookouture
Release Date:    




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A carved wooden box, a jar with old postcards and a few sand dollars discovered in an old cottage due for demolition at Sand Dollar Cover Resort, sparks a great sense of curiosity in Hannah Turner’s mind, as she wonders who the mysterious Joe was that penned such a heartbreaking message on the postcards.

As she decides to send them on to the address on the postcards she hopes they will find the original owner. Whether she will ever find out who they were meant for the story behind the message is a curiosity.

Struggle street was something Hannah and her small family had become used to over the years, as her Gran was eventually succumbing to a lifetime of hard work, her sister was completing a degree and she was working all hours at the Resort, to simply keep things moving along.

A fresh and very good looking face appears on the scene as the personal instructor in the Fitness Centre and Hannah finds she is drawn to his kindness towards the guests and his friendly nature. Guy seems to be a little bit over qualified to work at the aging resort but it is giving the place a much needed boost on the socials.

Still grieving for her father, killed in an accident many years before she has always believed he did not commit suicide, but had no answers for what happened; she realised that life always seemed to have far too many burning questions, too much sorrow and so few answers.

When the postcards do eventually reveal their story, she discovers the answers in the most heart-warming and gentle way possible – by falling in love; something she had ruled out of her life as almost impossible.

Postcards From the Cove is a gentle and comfortable read for a cold winters day or a lazy day on the couch.  Book 2 Photographs from the Cove is Mary’s story with a tantalising teaser included at the end of Hannah’s story.

Enjoy the journey as life unfolds in Sand Dollar Cove.