Puppy Love

Reviewed By  Kelcey Ellis       November 26, 2014


Author  Frauke Scheunemann

ISBN:                 978-0-85789-314-7
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    

   Website:   http://www.allenandunwin.com




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“A story of love, life, and the best friend a girl could ever have.”

Do you need to up your dose of cute? Love animals? Believe in love? Ever wondered what your furry friend was thinking? If so Puppy Love just might be the book for you.

Told entirely from the perspective of a very self-important little dachshund, this book is very funny and easy to read. It makes you realize that we humans really are very strange creatures when it comes to matters of the heart.

Join the heroic Hercules as he sets about finding his new mistress a new love. In the process we encounter Mr Beeck his feline accomplice who takes Hercules under his “wing” to show him the way of the world according to humans.

 This novel also touches on friendships which weather the ups and downs of life. Whilst a light hearted feel good read it does allow for a little bit of reflection on how we humans play games when in relationships or dating. These flaws are made all the clearer by a humble but very proud dacshund! Not forgetting Hercules’ proud pedigree and his mother’s indiscretions, which have landed Hercules with his new mistress.

It is a great deal of fun learning about the daschund breed as an aside to the main story, which in reality is critical to the story as Hercules is only doing what comes naturally, to protect his new life having no desire to go back to the dog shelter.

 So will Hercules mistress end up with the boy next door, the movie star, or the vet? Enjoy a dog’s life from constantly thinking about food to worrying about his “human” this little dog has a tremendous ability to find adventure and just a little bit of trouble.

 Puppy Love was first published in German and has only recently been translated into English.

 A great read for the commute if you are on public transport.