The Master Yeshua – The Undiscovered Gospel of Joseph
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley September 3, 2015
Author Joyce Luck

ISBN: 978-1-78279-974-0
Publisher: Roundfire Books
Release Date:
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In 75CE Joseph ben Jude is an old man who is determined to put the record straight once and for all before his life is over. That he is the nephew of Yeshua and really does know the correct story of his birth and the family that surrounded him, simply means that the true story needs to be told correctly, as like in many stories the truth changes ever so subtly to place a completely difference inference on the original events.
That the times are changing throughout the lands is something that grieves Joseph ben Jude greatly and it is with great and gentle conviction he takes up his reed pen and parchment to set about righting great wrong.
Told in the first person were are immediately transported into the daily routine of Joseph as he tells, parchment by parchment , the story of the ever changing patterns of life as he truly fears that the End of Time is near and it important that the true story is known. He answers some of the many questions raised in his mind and society, and in doing so brings alive once again life in the Holy Lands from an Ebionite’s perspective.
Each component of Yeshua’s life has been faithfully recorded giving the well known canvas of the man the modern world also knows as Jesus of Nazareth, a completely new aspect as the daily life a man who has been sent to bring new hope to the world is unveiled.
The on-going hatred of King Herod, the daily battles with his disciples, the reverence which was building as he and his follower’s travelled the land, as they took on so many of the aspects of their society that needed change, is revisited once again.
That he taught much too all peoples on his travels, was considered by many to be strange and that he was also a man, a man of flesh and blood who did not follow the normal dictates of life, such as marrying and having children, establishing his own home, was also considered to be somewhat unusual.
As you become more involved in this alternate look at what may indeed be what did happen, you begin to realise that the correlations with modern day life are so very similar. There are those who fear, those who embrace and those who are searching for peace and purpose in their lives.
That Joyce Luck has managed to take a story as old as time and weave it into a story with modern context, all the while creating a work which will appeal to a wide range of reader who enjoy a good story, is a tribute to her skill and immense knowledge of times long, long passed.
Beautifully told, the story will intrigue, fascinate and inform; it will also, once again present the message of hope, once told and spread by a man called Yeshua that is as relevant today as it was then and will always be.