We are Called to Rise

Reviewed By         June 13, 2014


Author  Laura McBride

ISBN:                 9781471132582
Publisher:         Simon & Schuster UK
Release Date:    




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We are called to Rise, a debut novel by Laura McBride, is a most thought provoking novel that would make an ideal choice for any book club. There are plenty of issues to discuss, whilst at the same time, it is immensely readable. McBride gives each of the four main characters a strong voice. As a reader, we can relate to each of their stories and live through the trauma each one faces.

Set in Las Vegas, not the glitzy Las Vegas that we see on our screens or visit as tourists, but the town where ‘normal’ people live, and we get to explore and understand the ‘real’ town through  each of the main characters: the middle aged women who suddenly finds her marriage is over; a young, damaged returned soldier; a young boy of Albanian heritage, desperate to fit in; and a soldier recovering in a Washington  DC hospital. All experience a life changing event.

To the four main characters, McBride gives each one a strong voice. As a reader, we can relate to each of their stories and live through the trauma each one faces. Far too rare these days, both male and female characters are well rounded and believable. Their stories are not pretty but McBride does not allow them or us to wallow in self pity. Rather we go on their journey with them and when their stories collide, we relish in each ones hope, and wonder at their ability to find the resilience and courage to move on.

I liked the style of McBride’s writing. As well, she manages to write about serious topics with  authority because she has done her research, and she makes her subjects very accessible and readable. We are Called to Rise is one of the most interesting books I have read in a long time. I was surprised at how much I engaged with each of the characters and how much I thought about the novel after I had finished it.  I can only thoroughly recommend it.