
Reviewed By  Ian Banks       May 26, 2014


Author  Guy Hallowes

ISBN:                 9780987290038
Publisher:         Short Stop Press
Release Date:    




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In this fast paced latest release from Australian author Guy Hallowes we find ourselves fast forwarded to what happens when Sydney gets wiped out by a 15 metre Tsunami. What happened to the people and does civilisation have any chance of survival?

Gripping, reflective and, even though a work of fiction, a possible environmental scenario that may happen. Somewhat reminiscent  to Neville Shute’s On the Beach, Hallowes has based this work on current research on climate change, polar melt and environmental issues.

Tanya, product of the streets as a young teenager, now a Sydney socialite, takes the dire warnings issued by world scientists to heart. They are predicting the imminent collapse of the Ross Iceshelf in the Antarctic with worldwide catastrophic effect. She and her father-in-law David, persuades their family into establishing a small commune style settlement in the Blue Mountains in readiness for this event. The research stacks up and in spite of some misgivings the family agree to this lifestyle change.

The event does eventually occur, bringing destruction to the East coast of Australia, wiping out towns and cities worldwide with its huge and impressive power.  From their home high in the mountains they witness what may well appear to be the end of civilisation as they knew it.

In spite of the odds the people of the settlement set out to try and rebuild the lifestyle that once existed, finding others from similar settlements, trying to do the same, surviving and recreating.

As time goes on more and more survivors worldwide come together, some traveling many years and months in search of other people and settlements, beginning to create new communities. The interesting aspect of this new lifestyle is in that as the new villages come together so very many of the same traits learned in times past remain in the new order.

A great read.