Where’s Ringo –The story of the Beatles in 20 Visual Puzzles.

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       January 20, 2015


Author  Andrew Grant Jackson

ISBN:                 978-1-78131-218-6
Publisher:         Arum Press
Release Date:    




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Move over ‘Where’s Wally’, as the Beatles have burst onto the scene, not quite as they did in the ‘60’s when their music hit the airwaves, but in picture format making the key aspects of their rise to fame come alive again in a completely new dimension.

 Commencing with the Liverpool Map as well as a biography of drummer Ringo, alias Richard Starkey, you are set the task on each of the graphics of finding a list of people and items relating to the particular segment of history commencing in 1960 when the fledgling band was being formed, at that stage minus Ringo.

Hunting down the clues is a fun way of re-visiting what is music history about music royalty, in a refreshing and informative way, which also helps bring more than a decade of music alive once again.

Not only did the Fab Four write all their own music so to speak, as none of them could read and write music in their earlier days, they hummed the melodies which were then transcribed to sheet music by George Martin, their producer; they also wrote for PJ Proby and Billy J Kramer amongst others.

As you turn the pages and discover all the main elements of this remarkable journey, you will once again marvel at the pathway to success these four lads from Liverpool carved with talent, charisma and hard work.

They and their beat changed the world in so many areas. Their mop top style haircuts, considered outrageous in the ‘60’s, led onto a distinct style in clothing, and as their talent and fan club grew, they inspired a shift towards eastern mysticism, when George took himself off to India to further explore Indian philosophy and their instruments. His 12-string arpeggio is considered to have been the birthplace of what is now called folk-rock. 

Their flair and panache has stood the test of time and even long years after the Beatle’s disbanded in September 1969, and the deaths of John Lennon and George Harrison, their music lives on.

With Ringo as your host and expert at hiding, enjoy your journey into the world of one of the most influential group of musicians of the 20th century. Have fun!