
Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       September 9, 2015


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In his introductory paragraph Ron Korb makes a statement in regard to the album, “Enjoy this album as you would a feast”; in those few words he succinctly sums up the wondrous treasures that are in store as you gracefully move from piece to piece in this tribute, not just to Europe, the architecture, the people but to the great composers whose music is as alive and vital as it was the at its first presentation.

As always with an album by Korb there is a wonderful little booklet as part of the package, detailing the inspiration behind each of the compositions which, in this case add some lovely little gems of history, folkloric and fact the inspiration to each piece.

‘Mozart’s Wedding’ is a delightfully elegant, light, airy and full of celebration even though Mozart’s Wedding proved to be anything less than a celebration, with the parents at polar opposites to the bridal couple.

‘Beckett’s Whisper’ is in tribute to Irish playwright Samuel Beckett, who although Irish born, spent much of his life in France. There is that hint of longing to return home reflected within the upbeat rhythm that presents so well the Irish touch of enjoyment tinged with an underlying sadness.

The lovely melodious piece ‘Italian Summer’ breaths that touch of the Mediterranean into a gentle reflective version of the desolate sense that falls, when the people have gone for the summer and only the sea and the wild birds are left behind. The longing for the warm, noisy, people filled days of summer is also felt.

Bass flute, cello, piano, accordion, bass and drums come together once again to create the mood of ‘Christmas in Prague’, a time when daylight hours are short, beautiful buildings are lit with fairy lights, outdoor markets once again appear as they have for centuries creating the joyful, happy, special atmosphere of Christmas.

And so you continue your journey through he various influences which have over centuries created the mystical blend that is Europe. Pay particular note to ‘Gypsy Cove’ as it is in tribute to those who sailed far away with Magellan, losing their lives in a shipwreck in the Falkland Islands in 1519. It is upbeat, contemporary, but has that wonderful Spanish flair of forever seeking new horizons with vitality and enjoyment.

The final piece is the jazz version of the classical presentation ‘St Johann’, played earlier in the album in tribute to JS Bach, perhaps one of the greatest composers the world has to date known, which makes a lovely ending to what is otherwise a light, joyful, classical creation which will hold wide appeal.

Ron Korb has once again created music you will return to time and time again to simply enjoy the moment, the experience, the journey.