Sacred Alliance

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       September 8, 2015


Artist –    




Running Time



Touching the spirit gently with pure sound; conveying the deep mystery of the Devine presence is the continuous chord that remains as the music takes you gently within to be able to drift effortlessly over the hills and valleys, plains and oceans of the soul.

Produced and mastered in native DSD-super high resolution audio to give extra clarity to the notes offered to transport you into a blissful state of relaxation and meditation, the increased sonic bandwidth will enhance not only the sound, but also the healing frequencies allowing the highest of vibrations to work their healing magic.

Each of the pieces is created as an individual offering designed to help you reach the place you most need to be spiritually and harmonically: a place of relaxation and healing.

Beginning with ‘Great Mothers Domination’ in homage to Mother Earth as the mother of all life it is the beginning of understanding who we are and the blessings we received daily in our lives.

Then follows ‘Surrender’ which takes us to the edge were we let go of our fears, our troubles and by doing so we are encouraged to take the next step to drift into ‘Sewa’, reflecting on the being in service to the Divine.

‘Sacred Lands’ reminds us that there are special places on this earth that carry the power and wisdom of the ancient ones, which is still there today and needs to be respected and treasured.  And so the journey has begun.

That we are only here for a while has been entwined into each piece coupled with the sure knowledge that, while we are here we could and should do all in our power to reflect on what we have been privileged to have been granted, which should be at all times respected and honoured.

Ali and Daniela have spent many years living and studying with indigenous elders which has inspired so very much of their music and has allowed them to add that something extra to the timeless pieces they create.