Home Again
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley September 16, 2018
Artist – Loren Evarts

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A lovely almost blues beat, introduces Home Again from acclaimed pianist Loren Evarts in his first solo piano album, which includes a touch of bodhran occasionally, that follows on from his previous highly acclaimed Water and Light, released in 2015 . The music is moody, ever-changing, pleasing and refreshing as if another presence is sitting beside Evarts on the piano stool as he is composing, adding a little here and a bit more there, to create a dreamy, relaxing and delightfully peaceful sound.
Over the years Evarts has performed across a range of genres, from jazz to rock, disco, and for change of style a Portuguese band, all of which is influential in his music. As a highly sought after musician he has performed with some of the greats such as Dave Weckl (Chick Corea) Mike Davis (Rolling Stones) and many, many more. He is also noted for his Chamber Music compositions, one of which was a finalist in the prestigious London Chamber Music Ensemble competition.
A Day on the Concord River introduces this melodic and pleasurable album as it meanders along with a delicious blues feel; drifting, mediative, and gentle with Dugong Dance a lovely continuance of this piece. Dancing along is Far and Away, a piece full of hope and joy, with a light and airy timbre.
A thoughtful and contemplative piece is discovered in Sunset Island, bringing in the mellow feelings of watching the sun sink gently below the horizon; the end of the day bathed in the glorious colours of the evening skies, a time of reflection and acceptance.
Home Again as the signature track is a jaunty little piece that signifies journeys end, home safely once again. Wedding at Sunrise arrives with a wonderful warmth of familiarity that makes it an immediate favourite with a lovely, almost ‘old fashioned’ air surrounding the composition.
Nine Mile Bridge is a slightly more sombre, introspective piece, measured and broody with intriguing highlights interspersed within the melody, almost the light dancing on the water under a bridge as it flows deep and intriguing.
The lovely and final piece The Good Life could easily be considered as a tribute to a life which has been rich and full. This stylish and gratifying collection demonstrates the immense understanding and passion Evarts has for and with his music which equals if not surpasses his first release, Water and Light.