Home Is

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       January 7, 2022


Artist – Fallen- Lorenzo Branaloni   


           Released:             December 2021

           Running Time:   

           Website:    https://shimmeringmoodsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/home-is          




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“Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place?” (Stephanie Perkins)

Home Is the latest release from Fallen or Lorenzo Bracaloni has been nicely timed, arriving at the end of a year when reflecting on what Home is has been something many have spent their time contemplating.

Home is anywhere you are at any time or so they say, home is place within you that is your deepest energy, a place that makes you feel safe and nurtured. Home is also a place that can be returned to time after time, full of memories, loved ones or simply the things you treasure, that make you feel comforted, content and blessed.  Home is whatever and wherever you are that sooths the soul.

The quote from Stephanie Perkins poses the time old question of what exactly is home, which captured the imagination of acoustic composer Fallen. Translated into a beautiful flow, the work sets about trying to define what it is that makes Home somewhere very special, in a style that is softer, far more gentle than many of his previous works.

Gently drifting the eight track work slowly segues thought he ambient spectrum, delicate in places, sharply jarring, almost haunting in others as the piece Oxygen and Skin reveals. Each of the pieces reflects on the many aspect of Home which are deeply personal.

As a work that floats and drifts, every so often the reminder is there that there is far more depth to Fallen’s compositions than just electronic soundwaves, as he either plays or has utilised Piano, Electric Piano, Organ, Synthesizers, Bass, Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Voice, Field Recordings and Found Objects to create Home Is.

Home Is a delightfully different work and one that is best to simply allow to waft on the ether, allowing the mind and emotions to take you where they will, to discover just where Home Is.