Dirb It Up Do It Real Big
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley June 29, 2015
Author Brad Smith

ISBN: 9781742575445
Publisher: New Holland Publishers
Release Date:
Website: http://www.newhollandpublishers.com
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For anyone, young or old looking to start out in business this is a must read on how to do and make the most of the opportunities presented to you. For those already in business it is also a must read.
This is the story of a young man who was obviously born to be an entrepreneur.
From a young Brad Smith had an eye to an opportunity to create and manifest, with one of his first enterprises selling home grown vegetables from the verge in front of the house. This was followed by the manufacturing and sales of hacky sacks to his fellow school mates. At 14 years of age he was reading books on the stock market and by 15 years of age he was trading on the market.
Coming from a family of modest means his parents always encouraged their children to be respectful, to strive hard and that you got nothing for nothing, you simply had to work for the extras in life if you wanted: you needed to earn your way through life. You also needed a vison, something to strive for and work towards.
Growing up, saw BMX racing as his passion. His father said he could start motocross racing once he learned to master his BMX. After much practice he proved he had succeeded by jumping his BMX over a line-up of his sister and three cousins in the backyard. Luckily he landed safely.
That was the beginning of what has become his passion, his vision and has driven him to create braaap Motorcycles, a family company that has as many knocks, as accolades, in the years since it was founded.
Brad has learned the hard way about success and failure, but he has also learned the lessons taught by the wins and losses. He has learned to never give up and never to give in. At 18 years of age he decided to import some specialist bikes for dirt racing into Tasmania.
Funding his journey to China to visit with the manufactures there to see who could or would manufacture and supply such a bike saw him being laughed out of every Company. Finally he found someone who had faith in his ideas. When the bikes duly arrived in Tasmania they were far from what he had ordered. His youth and inexperience saw him taken advantage of, but he learned valuable lessons that have stood him in good stead as the years have moved along.
But this is just the beginning of a remarkable journey which sees him giving freely of his time and experience to help others who would like to strike out with an idea and a vison; He shares his journey, not to brag but to offer some of his hard learned lessons to others.
His story is inspiring, enriching and enjoyable to read. It tells the tale of an underdog, a Company which refuses to let adversity beat them and an attitude that will not be put down. He sees adversity as challenge and problems as something which can be solved, while understanding that nothing can be taken for granted as there still needs to be hard work, vison and respect to all things.
His final words sum the situation up well,
‘Today like never before, where we begin has no restriction on where we end up. We live in a world of abundance’.
‘Above all else I hope to remind you that the world is conspiring to help us’.
If you are going to do anything at all in life make sure you, ‘Do It Real Big”