Dream Journal

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       June 14, 2015


Author  Rose Inserra

ISBN:                 978-1-921295-85-0
Publisher:         Rockpool Publishers
Release Date:    




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Dreams are something we all are subjected to, or if you like all are given to enjoy or not, depending on the dream. The purpose of dreaming is something that has been pondered upon, analysed and reviewed for many, many lifetimes.

The understanding of dreams or the dream state is often complex and complicated but with the assistance of this wonderful Dream Journal from Rose Inserra, understanding your dreams has been made so much easier.

Well known in her field of Dream Study and Interpretation she offers a wonderful collection of helpful tips and ideas to help you record your dreams, as well as the best way to go about remembering them, then using the information to the best advantage.

It also helps to understand that much of what you dream is encrypted, appearing in symbols which at the time may make very little sense or seem to have very little bearing on what issues are troubling you or need to have a healing touch applied.

But in a time of reflection and by accepting that dreams are our innermost emotions playing out, you can open up an entire new perspective on living your life.

It does take a little time to master the art of understanding your dreams but with the assistance of the Dream Journal you are well on your way to unlocking your dreams. The book is divided into four sections: Gratitude, Journey, Love and Transformation

Each of these sections comes with helpful instructions, exercises, goal setting charts. Throughout each section there are and some lovely affirmations to help with recording your dreams and to remind you that life and living can be wonderful.

If you are wondering how you can understand what that crazy dream really means, start with a wonderful Dream Journal and enjoy the journey of discovering just what you are being told, while you dream the night away.