Healthy Liver
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley July 12, 2016
Author Dr Cris Beer

Distributor: Rockpool Publishers
ISBN: 978-1-925017-57-1
Publisher: Rockpool Publishers
Release Date: July 2016
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Ah! the liver you say, sounding like a source of all knowledge about this much abused and misunderstood, hardworking, largely unrewarded organ of the body, but do you really understand just what this organ is all about and massive influence it has on out daily and long term health.
We all know the liver is an essential part of our body of course, but once having read Cris Beers book, we understand far more just how important this is to maintaining a healthy body and equally importantly a healthy outlook on life.
The text is easy to understand and explains well the way the liver works, how it controls so many vital functions of our personal health system and how, whether we intend it or not, becomes overburdened with the detritus of living in this fast paced world.
The rhetorical question ‘Who needs a healthy liver?’ is asked to open the first chapter which then goes on to introduce Dr Cris Beer and her philosophy behind writing the book. It also puts you on notice that you need to take a little minute or two and seriously take a look at how you are feeling as far as your general health is concerned – something we should all do from time to time. A very useful list is provided to help you run this quick check which as you will discover, probably includes you in what comes next, the pathway to helping your body on a journey to better health and lifestyle.
Based in holistic health principles backed by the best practice of combining conventional and complementary wisdoms this is easy to read, easy to follow and an easy to undertake journey to a fresh new look at life and one your liver will thank you for on a daily basis.
The liver undertakes 500 different functions within the body on a daily basis and it gets, tired, dirty and sluggish, therefore like most things, needs to undergo maintenance on a regular basis; the best way to do this is simply to undertake a detox program that last for just a mere seven days and restores the liver to a better level of functionality and the body in general to a better level of wellbeing.
As you work your way through this workbook you will find it is a little like one or more of those Ah Ha or lightbulb moments when suddenly things fall into place – that annoyingly persistent itchy rash on your legs at night, feeling fatigued for no particular reason, can’t lose those few extra kilos, begin to make sense.
The Detox Plan is well thought through, is easy to follow, works with food stuffs easy to come by and as it is so comfortable and easy to undertake, makes it something which can be done on a regular basis if you choose or simply when you feel you have been overdoing the high life a bit too many times.
Backing up the plan is a once again, well thought out Meal Guide with some seriously enjoyable recipes that will not take long to prepare, a great section on Post-Party Detox and if you still need convincing to undertake this liver detox, a section on Interesting Liver Cases along with a Quick Reference Guide.
What have you go to loose, nothing except poor health, what have you got to gain, optimal good health. It is well worth the effort.
PS: If you have any predisposing health issues please consult your Medical professional before undertaking this or any other form of dieting.