How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way That Makes a Difference

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       September 17, 2020


Author  Rebecca Huntley

Distributor:      Murdoch Books
ISBN:                 9781760525361
Publisher:         Murdoch Books
Release Date:   July 2020  




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Climate change has been being discussed by communities, scientist and politicians since 1970 with the result that many people have become overwhelmed with climate anxiety or the notion we are heading for a massive climate disaster when global warming reaches tipping point.

There have been the deniers, the corrupt scientists, blatant disbelief, politicians who are more concerned with their next election results and climate activists all touting their platform, which has had the effect of people turning a deaf ear to the very real truth; that climate change is here to stay and that something real and serious needs to be undertaken by the Governments and people of the world to effect change.

Over the summer of 2019 to 2020 Australia burned in some of the most terrifying bush fires ever to occur in modern or recorded times; swaths of bush were burned to irreparable levels, flora and fauna gone forever, with so few species surviving the carnage. The world looked on in horror as did the people of Australia.

Climate change became something that could no longer be denied. The rallies across Australia became something that could not easily be dismissed; when the students, young and old took to the streets it became a serious ah-ha moment for many. Rebecca Huntley was one of these people who took stock of her lifestyle choices, but took her new perspective into the workplace to try and understand the real issues behind climate change and the resultant anxiety that has all but caused everyday people to become detached.

As she followed the thread of the past thirty years she came to the conclusion that the best way to create an antidote to climate anxiety was through change; change of the psychology in the way we go about talking about climate change, presenting the facts without the drama and how best to reach those who have simply turned off, are doing a little but could do more or are simply confused buy all the hyper babble.

Some surprising information came to light, in her year of looking closely at climate change, resulting in the belief that the best way to work through the fear and inertia was by talking about climate change. Climate change scientist Katherine Heyhoe considered talking the most important thing to fight climate change. Greta Thunberg talked and then walked her talk right into the United Nations. Young women, still in high school spoke with passion at rallies across Australia and the world, and people listened.

How to talk about climate change in a way that makes a difference, tells a story that makes a massive difference leading to a better understanding of where we as a society stand, how best to manage anxiety relating to climate change, offering acceptance that it is real and happening now, not in some time in the future and what we, the everyday person can do to make a difference.

How to talk about climate change in a way that makes a difference should be consider as essential reading for anyone who is interested in or wanting to further understand climate change and how they can make a difference by beginning a conversation that leads to real climate change and a renewed hope for the future.