On Your Own Two Feet: Steady Steps to Women’s Financial Independence
Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley September 15, 2020
Author Helen Baker

Distributor: On Your Own Two Feet
ISBN: 9781922354624
Publisher: On Your Own Two Feet
Release Date: 2019 Second edition
Website: https://onyourowntwofeet.com.au/
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Perhaps the most telling quote in On Your Own Two Feet commences Section 1; Stepping out on the right foot, ‘At some stage in life a woman will be solely responsible for the financial decisions of the household,’ spoken by Don Connelly which would have to be the biggest truism in every females life, whether it be as a single woman, single mother, widow or one half of a couple, married or otherwise.
With this point as an established fact, it is best to understand how to go about perceiving the often complex world of finance and the steps to take to ensure a future that can be largely free of financial stress and strain. Helen Baker originally wrote this excellent guide to financial management for women in 2014 and now presents the expanded and revised edition based on the past ten years working with women, helping them address their particular financial requirements through a raft of circumstances.
Easy to read and very clearly presented Baker looks at every aspect of finance to give women some control and certainly with their future, because as many women have learned to their cost, ‘women should not rely on a man as a financial plan!’ She also takes a very clear look at estate planning, what happens if you get a ‘lump sum’ payment, and how to think outside the square to become financially independent.
A quirky sense of humour runs through the pages, which takes some of the heaviness off a topic which can at the best of times, be heavy going, let alone when you are facing real and frightening changes brought about by divorce, redundancy, illness, becoming a widow, facing terminal illness or aged care. All of these areas can be managed with some forethought as well as serious planning being undertaken at an earlier time in life, and also by understanding the modern world of finance and strategic planning.
Now with massive changes occurring in society due to the many unknowns based in the Corona Virus pandemic, the release of this updated version could not have been undertaken at a better time to encourage women everywhere and of all ages, to take an active part in their roles within a family structure or as a single person, planning for the future.
With solid credentials, Baker is in the 1% of financial advisers who are licensed and holding a Batchelor of Commerce and two Master’s degrees, she also has life experience relating too much of what is presented in the book.
On Your Own Two Feet is a book that keeps on giving, as it covers every aspect of woman’s financial journey through life; from commencing work to writing a Will and is one that can be read from cover to cover or used as a reference guide, chapter by chapter.
Perfect for any woman starting out in life, facing challenges or simply wanting to know more about financial security, On Your Own Two Feet is something like, ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with fabulous new shoes’, (as Lao Tzu once possibly said), Helen Baker ensures in this 2019 edition, those fabulous new shoes can be there for you when you begin your thousand mile journey.