Quitting Plastic Easy and practical ways to cut down the plastic in your life

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       March 13, 2019


Author  Clara Williams Roldan and Louise Williams

Distributor:      Allen and Unwin
ISBN:                 9781760528713
Publisher:         Allen and Unwin
Release Date:   February 2019  




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Since the age of about seventeen, Clara has begun the process of cutting plastics out of her life. Her reason was for her own health and that of the environment. The Great Pacific Garbage patch, the size of Queensland, and the fact that plastic doesn’t break down but clogs up our waterways moved her to act. Clara has written the book with her mother who is a Walkley Award winning journalist.

There are short letters from people who have come to the same conclusion as the Author, and they give their reasons why. One person lived near the coast in New Zealand and was dismayed by the waste that was washed up on the beaches. Another person was holidaying in Thailand and was horrified to see people throwing all their rubbish into the ocean.

The first chapter begins with the ten things that you can do today. Using a metal water container, using reusable coffee cups, saying no to plastic straws and balloons and picking up a piece of plastic every day are just a few of the easy ways you can make a difference. “Plastics aren’t all bad or good, they are an integral part of life on the planet today.” However, the facts that are presented to the reader make for chilling thoughts. “In Australia, five billion plastic bags were handed out every year before new bans came into force.” Because many plastics are the single use kind, it would be logical to address our use of them first.

There are many suggestions about how we get started to reduce our plastic consumption. Taking your own bag and buying ingredients loose is one way. Using paper wrapped butter kept in a china butter dish is another thing we could do. Stores selling bulk food which you can pack into a paper bag, are becoming more popular. Local farmer’s markets are also a good source of fresh food without the packaging, although the prices are generally higher.

There are terrific tips given for using laundry products, and shampoos, as well as surface cleaners, toilet cleaners and disinfectants. The disposable wipes we use for many things clog up drains and cause “Fat Bergs.” Biodegradable written on plastic just means it breaks down, we need to find Compostable marked on a bag.

This book is easy to read and interesting without being pedantic or superior. It is broken into chapters about cleaning and wardrobes and simple ways to begin quitting plastics. It is also informative about the harm that plastics are doing to our planet.

Really every household should be aware of the results of research that Clara has done and make an effort to reduce our plastic consumption.