Something To Bear In Mind

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Michelle Corrigan

ISBN:                 978-1-84694-819-0
Publisher:         Zero Books
Release Date:    





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Michelle Corrigan has created a lovely inspirational text in Something To Bear In Mind as she combines many of the wisdoms of the East into a very handy little book which can be used as either a daily meditation or guide or simply as a pick up when you need a little reassurance.

Based on the discipline and teachings of Yoga, the teachings of Buddhism and the spirituality of the Sharman she has gone to great pains to give an easy to understand thumbnail of each of the disciplines so you can establish your pathway to healing and self-development throughout the coming year.

It matters not where in the book you commence your year as with all things cyclic you eventually end up where you commenced.

Filled with warmth, understanding, a helping hand, or rather word, and much wisdom designed to encourage fresh thought, it makes very interesting reading.

As with many daily meditations it is up to you to find the strength and or message inside the text and make of it what you will.

Enjoy the book, enjoy the challenge most of all enjoy the understanding of who you are now you are undergoing evolution; or should that be revolution!