Your Best Year Ahead: Small, easy steps to wellness

Reviewed By  Grasshopper2       February 19, 2020


Author  Dr Chris Beer. MD

Distributor:      Rockpool Publishing Company
ISBN:                 9781925924374
Publisher:         Rockpool Publishing Company
Release Date:   January 2020  




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Your Best Year Ahead; small easy steps to wellness is an extremely practical way to present information on healthy living. Written by an experienced doctor who sees many patients with conditions they could avoid, or questions about issues they are facing, the facts are presented using evidenced based theory.

Dr Chris Beer began to research healthy living, seeking her own answers, when she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

When you look at the table of contents it is hard not to recognise something that is of pressing concern in your life. Whether it is losing weight, sleeping well, or warding off cancer cells, there is something here that will attract your immediate attention. It is not a bad idea to begin with this chapter, so it is immediately relevant to you and you understand how your progress is intended to be monitored.

The book can be used as a week by week health guide and the challenge is to take the year to work through the various chapters. There is a week by week goal tracker as a visual record, and habits to develop and tick off.

Knowing your motivators, and habit formation is discovered in the first few chapters, then once the reader understands and is willing to follow the guidelines, the chapters flow on from this. The chapter on sleep begins with the science. How much sleep do you need? Why do we need sleep? These answers are quite fascinating… sleep slows the aging process and also helps to repair our tissues.

There are more interesting facts, such as, it should take you between 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. Then there are bullet points to help you sleep. Some of the take home points suggest that adults need between 7-9 hours’ sleep. Then the Weekly challenge is to get a good night’s sleep for a week. You should aim to be in bed by 10pm.

Individual chapters are easy to read and short enough to retain the essence. This is such a useful reference book that one could refer to it many times if one didn’t use it as a year-long challenge.

Your Best Year Ahead; small easy steps to wellness published in 2020 ensures the information is up to date and well explained.