Florentine and Pig and the Lost Pirate Treasure

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       July 16, 2013


Author  Eva Katzler & Jess Mikhail

ISBN:                 978-1-4088-2440-5
Publisher:         Bloomsbury
Release Date:    

Website:    http://www.bloomsbury.com 




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What better way to spend a wet and winters day going on a hunt for the lost pirate treasure.

Florentine and Pig are upset when they discover their planned play day has to be cancelled as it wet and stormy outside.

They get ready for their day anyway in their best warm and woolly clothing. Florentine finds her favourite cardigan has lost one of its sparkly buttons: In the meantime Pig has discovered a very funny hat in the dress-up box that makes him look like a pirate. But what can you do on a wet day: have lots of fun, of course!

The two friends decide that they need to go on a treasure hunt, in true pirate style of course, to search for the sparkly button.

They search here and they search there. On the way they pack a very special picnic hamper filled with scrummy things to eat, travel to exotic places only pirates can go, all with the aid of a very special map and have a great fun day.

But do they find the very special sparkly button? Perhaps you too have to go on a very special treasure hunt of your own to find out.

At the end of the book there are some of Florentine’s very favourite, yummy things to eat recipes that you can make with your Mum or Dad or perhaps even your Nana to help you pass a wet and winters day.