Scarlett and the Scratchy Moon

Reviewed By  Kelcey Ellis       June 15, 2013


Author  Chris McKimmie

ISBN:                 9781743315156
Publisher:         Allen & Unwin
Release Date:    




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This is simple story which talks about the death of family pets and the effect it has on members of the beloved pet’s family.

Although simplistic in form the context is somewhat abstract and perhaps misses the point or perhaps the target audience. Illustratively the story is perhaps told from a more generalized perspective and reaches out to let the younger audience know that although the beloved pet has gone they still remain very much in their lives as memories.

Many an adult, ergo my kids Grandparents after reading this particular story to the Grandchildren, and upon reading other books by this author (we have others titles), are never certain if the book is suitable for our kids: Doesn’t appear to make sense and/or is a little strange. The thing is I tend to agree with them!

I’ve always had to read the author’s notes at the back to understand what the story was actually about. The author tries to get into the heads of young primary aged children and to bring out and tell their stories using their voice.

In some ways its very innovative, in others it falls short. The story feels choppy and disconnected; leaving you wondering what the story actually about. As mentioned only from reading the back cover did I learn the story was about dealing with the death of the family pets.

My almost 4 year old funnily enough is not that taken with the story, but loves looking at the drawings of the animals on the back inside cover and requests that I name each picture the three times that we, as a family, have read/test driven this book.