Atlantis Trilogy: Brave New World

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       March 24, 2016


Artist – Robert Slap   


           Released:             2015

           Running Time:    47.97mins





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Close your eyes, clear your mind, allow yourself to drift slowly into space as if you are still tethered to this earth but are floating free. Gentle sounds permeate the mind, sounds couched in mystery, touched with magic as the various tones of flute and synthesiser woo you into a sense of infinity.

The compositions, a number taken and remastered from Slaps previous albums, Atlantis Crystal Chamber and Atlantis Healing Temple, have been blended into this new album offering timelessness in space and place. When blended together an interesting listening experience is created as each time you immerse yourself, you discover another layer of what lies behind the sound journey into spaciousness, healing and peace.

In 1983 Slap travelled to Mexico to explore the pyramids of Teotihuacán which was to prove to be a journey of discovery on several levels. Over the following years he researched and learned more about the Mayans and Aztecs as well as the amazing structures they created in their worship to the various Gods and Deities.

He then moved on to the mystery that is the ancient civilisation of Atlantis all of which combined, saw him begin to create what was initially just one album, but morphed into three, this last and final one in the trilogy being  a compilation of new and original pieces.

The music has hidden depths, is complex and yet at the same time as fluent as the ancient civilisations which inspired the creations, allows you to weave whatever you desire into the journey. The softness of pounding drums, a gentle crescendo of sound rising up as if the night is giving way to the gloriousness of a new dawning, the ship arriving safely to the shore, the awesomeness of a new civilisation reached, travelling effortlessly through space to a new galaxy are all there to be immersed within.

There is a magnitude to the journey undertaken to which there is no known ending, which is in itself a reflection of the work, of the magic that has become woven throughout the various pieces, and within itself brings a sense of great peace and healing.

Step into the tapestry that is a Brave New World and emerge refreshed, relaxed and surprisingly invigorated, ready to take on a fresh new day. But most of all, allow the sound to take you wherever you wish to go, to find whatever needs to be found, to create whatever needs to be discovered.

You will have a wonderful time.