Poppy Pretzel – Passage into Puberty

Reviewed By  Janet Mawdesley       November 26, 2014


Author  Debi Slinger

ISBN:                 9781742570303
Publisher:         New Holland
Release Date:    





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This fabulous little book aimed at the juvenile market is one every girl approaching puberty should read. It is packed full of very useful tips on puberty and getting your first “period” and takes a good long look at the ups and downs of emotion which go with this huge change in the life of a young girl- woman.

Written with real insight into the changes which affect every young girl somewhere between the ages of 10-14 years, “Poppy Pretzel” takes the angst and embarrassment out of growing up.
She allows young readers to discover in their own time how getting your first period comes with many more challenges that were ever discussed with your Mum or your friends and also introduces some really novel ways of coping with “firsts” in every   respect.

Very informative, well presented and researched as well as filled with all the little bits every girl wants to know but is not always confident enough to ask about, it is a book which can be read on its own by the younger or older reader or with an adult.