
Emma Baxter-Wright

Compact yet comprehensive, the Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent is the perfect gift for anyone who has an interest in fashion and fashion history. Emma Baxter-Wright has traced with...


Angela O’Keeffe

Every once in a while, you come across a book that is so remarkable it challenges all your previous concepts. Night Blue is such a book and so wonderfully written...


Aurora Kane

A Handbook to Making Every Home a Sacred Sanctuary What is that essential magic makes a house a home is a ponderable thought and one that Aurora Kane addresses in...


Nicole Webb

As a Newsreader with Sky News, Nicole Webb believed she had her life pretty well organised. She had worked hard over the years to attain this position. She was also...


Maz Dela Cerna

Maz Dela Cerna is a woman who can truly say ‘been there, done that’ and means it. Her back story is one of abuse, drug addiction, self-harm and self-loathing. She...


The Country Women's Association of Victoria Inc

185 favourite recipes from the Country Women's Association of Victoria Inc Regardless of what State of Australia you live within the CWA or Country Women’s Association has a long, proud...


Kayte Nunn

Kayte Nunn has written an excellent story in The Last Reunion to bring to light an almost unknown group of women. Australian, English, and Indian women served in the Burma...


Campbell Macpherson

How to Harness Change to Make it Work for You Socrates, Buddha and Disraeli all alliterated on change at great length, or not so great length, during their lifetimes as...


Karen Fischer BHSc, Dip. Nut.

For anyone who has suffered through a skin allergy or is permanently afflicted with eczema, dermatitis, leaky gut or some sort of intolerance to modern foods, The Healthy Skin Kitchen...


Sean Doyle

Biography, travelogue and downright good story just about sums up Night Train to Varanasi from Sean Doyle, a man who is passionate about his beloved India, his family and the...


Isabel Allende

If ever a book was released at the perfect time it is The Soul of a Woman from acclaimed writer and author Isabel Allende, She offers incredible insight into the...


Ruth Druart

When Ruth Druart arrived in Paris in 1993, she was surprised by the number of plaques and monuments displayed for those who died during World War 2. Indeed, any tourist...