
Farah Naz Rishi

Sorry for the Inconvenience by Farah Naz Rishi is a wonderful, warm, often turbulent look inside a culture of tradition that remains strong, even though the world and the new...


Hart Larrabee: Matsuo Basho, Yossi Boson, Kobayashi Isa, and Muraoka Shiki

Exquisite poetry is created in the Haiku format, a style of poetry which dates back to 17th Century Japan and consists of seventeen syllables used to deliver a simple, succinct...


Michael Shandler

A Spiritual Quest Across Continents, Cultures, and Consciousness  Told with humility and grace, Karma and Kismet is a memoir, a biography, a slice of history, as well as a coming...


Brett Cole

In a split second of time Anton’s life as an everyday teenager was over, changed forever, the imprint of an horrific accident, for which he was responsible, to be with...


Marc Millon

A Taste of History Marc Millon has been involved with wine, food and travel for many years. He has written several books and travelled extensively. Many years ago he visited...


Natasha Etschmann and Ana Kresina

How To Not Work Forever is a very well presented ‘how to’ guide to Investing so that you have choices as to whether you chose to work forever, or whether...


Dr Toni Lindsay

There are a great many books on anxiety published. Everything Anxiety Ever Told You Is A Lie is different. The cover and the hardback A4 size format indicate it is...


Danielle Colley

Can you have it all: a career, a family and some precious time for yourself as a working woman in the fast paced world of today? Yes, you can, says...


Charlotte Hastings

Food can often be the one commonality which in times of celebration and crises draw people, community family together to create, produce, and to feed; to nurture one another with...


Charmian Clift edited Nadia Wheatley

What a wonderful privilege it was to read, not only the part story that Charmian Clift had written, but to also learn of her life. The End of the Morning...


Frank Raj

Frank Raj has for the 365 days of the year, created a wonderful collection of poetry, Good Calling in Poetry, based on verses from the Bible, that resonate not only...


Leon Conrad

Leon Conrad has spent a life time researching story, or stories, teaching, lecturing and tutoring in the art of story creation, analysis and restructure and also in pursuit of the...