
Dr Russ Harris

Life isn’t always a bed of roses; at some point in life, each of us goes through a life-altering event, which Dr Russ Harris calls a ‘Reality Slap’. This newly...


Kerryn Goldsworthy

Adelaide is a tremendously interesting little book. Whether you are from Adelaide, or a visitor to Adelaide, there is a great deal of information, written in a chatty style, to...


The team at Bluewolf wish you all a safe, happy and enjoyable time over the New Year weekend and may 2021 be an enriching year for us all. Stay safe,...


Penny Locasa

Thriving happily in this complex and uncertain world of COVID 19 is quite a challenge. Author, Penny Locasa, the world’s first Happiness Hacker, has developed an Intentional Adaptability Quotient (IAQ®)...


Ben Aitken

Looking at the front cover of The Gran Tour; Travels with my Elders will give you your first chuckle. It shows an elderly woman determinedly clutching a handbag and a...


Jaemin Frazer

Insecurity is the one thing that pits its strength against you; it is also a very good emotion at hiding itself away, often camouflaging itself as something else entirely, with...


Michael Schiavello

Having a dream and making that dream a desire requires blood, sweat and tears, if others perceive you to have a weight problem; to overcome bullies, tormentors and to rise...


Dominic Knight

The year 2020 will live long in the memory of everyone who inhabited this earth during the time when the world was turned figuratively speaking upside-down, thanks in part to...


Aaron Smith

Aaron Smith has written a brutally honest expose of Australian social and political behaviours toward Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people. With great insight he reveals attitudes and their effects...


Louise Milligab

Louise Milligan is no stranger to the Courts of Law; as a journalist she was for a time a court reporter, then she did a Law course, developing her investigative...


AF Harold. Illustrations Mini Grey

AF Harold is noted for many things, mainly for being a children’s author and also his seriously wacky, absurd sense of humour and the ridiculous. AF has taken this to...


Kathy Mexted

While listening to Kathy Mexted in a radio interview, two things became clear; they were her passion for flying and her desire to encourage women to take up flying. Of...