
Martin Woods

In this incredibly detailed look at a perspective of World War 1, seldom observed, Martin Woods has presented a complexity of fact hat boggles the mind, creating a journey of...


Rose Inserra

Whether there are other life forms other than the human form inhabiting Planet Earth is an issue that has long been debated. If there is, how do they come to...


Gerri Kimber

When the patron of the Katherine Mansfield Society compliments an author for her meticulous research, you know the biography of Miss Mansfield will be reliable and detailed. Indeed, Gerri Kimber...


Molly Meldrum with Jeff Jenkins

After his last book, it seems that in a life that has been full to overflowing with ‘events’, there may not have been much more to tell, but just like...


Christopher Breward

The Suit has always seemed to have been there in the halls of fashion, in the street, for the working man, for the up and coming in the business world...


Simon Griffin

Well, what can one say about Fucking Apostrophes other than finally, someone out there has decided to write a little book which deals with this terrible issue of Apostrophes. After...


Darren Palmer

Now the much loved series The Block is over for another year, the release of this book by Darren Palmer is timely, as we have all sat glued to the...


Amanda Webster

When a book as good as this is published, you feel it should be made compulsory reading for senior students and all others living in Australia. Amanda doesn't focus on...


Safia Minney

Much has being written about ethical fashion over recent years, especially since the collapse of Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh in 2013 killing or maiming more than 1,100 factory workers....


Elisabeth Johansson, photographs by Wolfgang Kleinschmidt

Clean Cooking is more than just what to eat it is all about knowing what you are eating and making the best choices nutritionally possible. You do not have to...


John C. Robinson

John C. Robinson certainly has the creds to be able to talk about spirituality, religion and the psychology that underpins the many various philosophies that we are guided by, as...


Ian W. McLean

Although this is an comprehensive and fascinating presentation of Indigenous Art forms since 1770, when the first British person, in Captain James Cook came ashore at what is today known...