
Edited by Trevor Greenfield,

Goddess have been around since ancient times, have their own place in the history of so many cultures, all of whom are surrounded in mystery and mysticism, are known by...


Meg Keneally

Fled is a debut solo novel for Meg Keneally who has produced several other books in conjunction with her father, Tom. Australian Historical Fiction is a fascinating subject, and the...


Juliette Thornbury

Crystals and healing have been known about and have been an accepted feature of ancient and modern civilisations going as far back as the ancient Sumerians, who believed these beautiful...


Rebecca Ray

Like many things in life, information comes to you when it is often most needed; to advise, encourage or inform as will this lovely little guide to happiness, Be Happy...


V. E Schwab

Chilling and dark, this re-release of a long out of print tale from VE Schwab, The Near Witch comes to life once again. Schwab’s work is dramatic, dark and very...


Sally Young

The sheer volume if information presented in this masterful work Paper Emperors from Sally Young is overwhelming in its historic content, fascinating in its political deviousness and absorbing when you...


Sara Tasker

Social Media is massive component of everyday life that is not going to go away any time soon. It can be one of life’s great joys, it can connect, inform...


Vanessa Finney

Photography was the science that took the world by storm in the mid-18th century, with the endless scope of possibilities yet unexplored; Its early use as a recording tool in...


Dr GrĂ¡inne Cleary

Everyone has a story about a bird or birds and the fascinating antics they can achieve with their interaction with people, cities and their amazing adaptability. Dr Grainne Cleary, a...


Munjed Al Muderis and Patrick Weaver

Going back to any component of a life already lived is always challenging, but when it is returning to a country left under massive duress, your life hanging by a...


‘And there was the Horntail, at the other end of the enclosure, crouched low over her clutch of eggs, her wings half furled, her evil, yellow eyes upon him, a...


Melanie Tonia Evans

Narcissism, what is it and how do you know if it is a part of your life, is a question many people ask, many who have been and are victims...