

  The team at Bluewolf would like to wish all their wonderful supporters a joyous and happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Thank you for you support over the...


Vanessa Finney

Harriet and Helena Scott were without doubt the finest natural history painters of their time. Many would argue they still hold that distinction, as their work, created more than one...


edited by Julie Cracknell, Peter Lonergan, Sam Rickard

There are very few books that have been created with such love and attention to detail as this one, reflecting on the life of Bruce Rickard, Architect. Compiled and edited...


Garth Nix and Sean Williams

Odo and Eleanor are back in their second adventure, or is it better said as the continuation of where we left them, and their talkative and often annoying swords Biter...


Deborah Burrows

Everyone has contact with nurses. Whether you have practised nursing, have a nurse in the family or friendship group, or have been in hospital, nurses are well-known to all. They...


Roger Daltrey

As Roger Daltrey of The Who, a famous rock group formed in the 1960’s, has obviously written this book, it asks the question, who then was Mr Kibblewhite, and why...


Bob Byrne

For people of a certain age, this visual feast of memories brings a smile to the face. Beginning with the front cover and the colour print of fairy bread, which...


Peter FitzSimons

Peter FitzSimons is a prolific author and a well-known character. His books are known for their honesty and humour. In yet another book of sporting tales, he has written of incidents...


Tim Fischer

Steam trains and Tim Fischer seem to be a complete part of each other as from a young age, Fischer fell in love with the huge steel dragons of the...


Barbara J Hunt

Yes, we understand that we need to be forgiving, and that will truly help us to move on past those grumbling grudges that pop up often. However, there is so...


Warner Brothers

The world of wizard Harry Potter is one filled with magic and so many wonderfully fearsome Dragons and creatures of the Otherworld such as Thestrals, Dementors and Acromantulas, along with...


Tim Dunlop

Tim Dunlop follows on from Why the Future of Workless, with another ground-breaking and very audacious look at the future, putting forward what many may consider as radical ideas and...