
David Goldblatt, Johnny Acton and James Wyllie

Should you feel like reading something vastly different from other books, this is the best you can get. The book includes tours, historical events, and all the information you need...


Jay Jorgensen, Donald L. Scoggins, foreword by Ali MacGraw

Who would ever have thought the world of costume design could be so political, dangerous, fascinating and sumptuous all at the same time, but it was very much so at...


Kate McGhie

You can smell the cinnamon, a roast cooking and the joy of preparing a feast or meal for the family as you turn the pages of this more than just...


Garance Dore

This is a book about STYLE; that illusive thing that we all strive to achieve and yet can be so fleeting or simply on the never, never going to get...


Judy Hall

Complex and informative this handbook, as that really is what it is, has been designed to inform and aid all those who seek to go that one step further than...


Nada Farina

This is one of the most exciting culinary journeys to grace the cookery book ranks in sometime created for people who suffer, in every sense of the word, food intolerance's,...


The Changi Book has been many, many years in the making and is perhaps more significant now than it may have been, should it have come to fulfillment in the...


SK Cooper

The idea of visiting the graves of famous people (especially the ones you have learned about, or admired) is quite exceptional. If you can't travel, the details here will be...


Patsy Bennett

We are all interested, even if we pretend we are not, in just what our real potential is in life; who we are and what it truly is that makes...


Robin Renwick

The name Hillary Clinton is being bandied about the airwaves with great gusto as the world waits in anticipation to see who will eventually be the new American President at...


Patrick Jones, Meg Ulman

For a family who love adventure, the outdoors and travel, this is a great read. Because the book is co-written by Patrick and Meg, you get both perspectives on the...


Kaitlin Roig-Debellis with Robin Gaby Fisher

In December 2012, an armed madman attacked the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, killing six teachers and twenty young children. Just feet from the man Kaitlin Roig jammed...